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All information edited and ordered by topic, including the Basics of Catholicism, Marriage, Purgatory, Sins and much more, distributed in 18 chapters with a total of 240 pages, below you can see the Table of Contents. Includes new articles never published in our blog or anywhere else, including topics about Catholics going to Heaven, Children from Annulled Marriages, Praying to Saints and much more.
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chapter 1: Catholicism 101
chapter 2: God
chapter 3: Church
chapter 4: Bible
chapter 5: Mass
chapter 6: Papacy
chapter 7: Creeds
chapter 8: Sacraments
chapter 9: Baptism
chapter 10: Confirmation
chapter 11: Marriage
chapter 12: Sins
chapter 13: Abortion
chapter 14: Purgatory
chapter 15: Confession
chapter 16: Lent
chapter 17: Christmas
chapter 18: Miscellaneous