[b:devyzv6c]Electronic Concentration Camps Have Arrived[/b:devyzv6c]
Realization of prophecies of John Leary and Louise Tomkiel as evidenced by certain excerpted news articles discussing: (a) the CIA’s admission that such television sets and other appliances will be used for surveillance purposes, (b ) computer software that has been developed to monitor, assess and “predict” our behavior via remote cameras, (c ) cell phones being used as monitoring devices without being turned on or the owner’s knowledge, (d) the fact that the National Security Agency is building the largest surveillance and database in the world, (e) the technology of using ELF waves to remotely control the minds of targeted individuals (e.g. via digital TVs) exists and has been used publicly, (f) various existing brain manipulating technologies, and (g) the fact that the HAARP machine can be used in mass mind control exercises.