Home Forums All Things Catholic 6 month pre-cana engagement?

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    I am engaged my fiancee lives in another country. I will be doing a K1 Fiancee visa. However we must marry within 90 days per immigration rules within him coming here (US). I have read on my archdiocese website that pre-marriage/pre-cana is a min of 6 mths. I know that we must take pre-cana classes but can we be given dispenstation of the 6 mth wait? If were to take as many classes as possible during the 90 days could we get married in the church? That is what I want so much! We are only restricted by immigration rules. I am in Metro Detroit area. I am not trying to get out of pre-cana but have bureaucratic rules we must follow. I am Catholic my fiancee isn’t but we both understand how important this is. I am going to visit him next month and I will apply for the fiancee visa then. I don’t know if they will give the visa immediately or we would have to wait.


    You can discuss it with your parish priest, who may have a solution. Does your fiancee read and write English? The priest may be able to correspond with them for the priliminary sessions.


    Yes my fiancee can read and write English. He is from an English speaking country.

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