Community Forum: A vote for Obama is a vote for abortion
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October 30, 2008 – 11:33PM
This is in response to “Landslide Victory Should be Obvious” which appeared Thursday, 23 Oct. 2008.
Yes, that may be true, and you will elect the most liberal, radical person to the presidency. One who is for abortion, especially partial-birth abortion. You should look into the three ways babies are aborted to know that it is outright murder at the expense of the mother’s right to her body. No one cares about the baby’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you do, you would not elect Obama.
You will elect a man to the presidency that is for strict gun control, something valley hunters and target shooters ought to look at. The two hunting associations endorsing him are bogus, and in no way support gun rights. If you care about your right to keep and bear arms, you would not elect Obama.
You will elect a man who is for same-sex marriage, thus doing away with the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. If you still care about the sanctity of marriage, you will not elect Obama.
Then there are the issues of his connections to Ayers, Farrakhan, Wright, Brown, and Rezo. There is no need to go into the relationships which Obama has had with these individuals, relationships which the media has been silent on. If you want good honest dealings, you will not elect Obama.
The last thing is the answer he gave to Joe the plumber, a man who has been practicing plumbing for 17 years, about redistributing the wealth, That will do away with creativity, and investing in the economy. These are the people who create the jobs for the 95 percent. If you care for the economy, you will not elect Obama.