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Either we have viewed a different webpage, or you are inventing information from the Sisters of St. Benedict web-site. The only webpage I’ve seen does say,
Eventually, four other communities of Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary were formed — one each in New Hampshire, Ohio and California, and a second one in Massachusetts. All of these communities are committed to defending the Church’s doctrines and promoting the Faith through publishing and teaching.
in it’s history section. Nowhere is Los Angeles mentioned, or that these other communities were received with their community back into the Church. If after reviewing the entire website, I may have missed what you are referring to, or if there is another secret site somewhere, please let me know.
I am referring to the community in California. They do not have a website and little is known about them. I am glad you know them and it is heartening to know that they are still there inspite of all the media misinformation about Fr. Leonard Feeney.
I hope they will apply for canonical status and get it.
As to the letter to Abp. Gomez, well you are free to write him or publish an open letter, moreover since you seem to have taken upon yourself the authority and ability to condemn as a heretic everyone from the Pope to the local dog-catcher, and misquote, revise and misrepresent Catholic teaching to the point of making a mokery of the Church. The ramblings on your blog cannont be taken seriously as the interpretations you extract from offical Church documents are simply not recognizable when compaired to the source documents.
Basically I would like to say that the Church has not retracted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and that dogma is in agreement with Vatican Council II and other magisterial texts.
Secondly there is no statement in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which says Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy.Also, the Church officially lifted the excommunication for disobedience without him having to recant.
I provided you the statement of the priest who represented the Church in the lifting of the excommunication. I cited the exact text of the dogma and gave citations from Vatican Council II and other Church documents, finally pointing out that this was the interpretation of the dogma for centuries.
I did speak to one of the Brothers here today after Mass, and they warned me that your postings are in no way representitive of anything that they would ever endorse. Their argument with the Church is based (in their mind) on sound theology and history. They could not in charity comment on you or the information you have posted.
I am glad you spoke to brothers about this subject.
Perhaps you could ask then, for me, if they know any one in the USA or elsewhere who is saved with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance ?
If they answer NO, could you ask them how can being saved with the baptism of desire etc be an exception to the dogma?
Please note that this is not a theological question. It is an intellectual,philosophical observation.
The more you post here and after a prefunctory search of your information you have scattered across the web, prompt me to invoke the intercession of St. Dymphna for you. But it would seem that by standing up to your misrepresentation of facts, I will be, if I have not been already added to the list of heretics which in your supreme authority you see fit to promulgate with an authority higher (in your mind) than that of the Holy See.
Thank you for your prayers for me.
The Church’s tecahing is clear. One can judge for oneself when there is disobedience or fidelity.
also yet to answer the question about the salvation of the souls of Cats and Dogs. A discussion which not only during my seminary formation but in that of most, clerics I’ve spoken with, liberal and traditional has come up. Yes or No, Lionel, what do you pronounce? Otherwise I await something credible, from a credible website, not your blog, which contorts simple statements into something quite different from the original to be posted by yourself.
Lionel: I have given the answer above.