Home Forums All Things Catholic FROZEN EMBRYOS AND CLONES

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    <img decoding=:” title=”Question” />
    Do human embryos and human clones have souls?

    The Church affirms that human life is sacred from conception to
    natural death, thus asserting the inviolability of all human beings.
    So, the question is really, are embryos and clones, if ever
    produced, human beings?

    This question is answered adequately by philosophy and science.
    Science shows us that different kinds of existing things, called a
    being, belong to specific categories of being. Among living beings
    we can determine from the genetic makeup of the individual what kind
    of being it is. Human sperm and egg cells have only half the
    complement of human genetic material, and a limited lifespan. They
    do not replicate and organize themselves in any way. They
    are “human” in that they come from human beings, but they are not
    human beings. However, after they unite to form a fertilized ovum
    all the genetic material that will ever be needed is present to
    constitute a human being. Furthermore, other than needing a special
    environment at different stages (whether the womb or the cradle),
    all that will determine their growth is the unfolding of the genetic
    plan contained within and the addition of nutrients and time. This
    cannot be said of sperm and egg. Their independent life is fixed.
    The life of a human being is not – all it needs is the right
    environment, food, water, oxygen and love. Whether two cells or two
    billion cells, this is true.

    In the case of frozen embryos, if they can be revived and if they
    are then still living, then they are human beings, and all human
    beings by definition have a soul. Since such embryos have developed
    into human children we know this to be true. The same would be true
    of clones. If the processes, no matter how artificial and unnatural,
    result in a being that is materially human in makeup and can live
    and develop into a child, then that child will have a soul. No
    creature as materially complicated as a man can live without the
    spiritual form which theology calls the soul.


    I believe so.


    Weather, what is the source of these articles?


    I get them from various Catholic websites on internet


    No, I meant the specific link or webpage. If you have that available that would be nice. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> I just want to know what site it is coming from.

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