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[quote:3fy9nfgo]i read that it also includes the withdrawl method…true?[/quote:3fy9nfgo]
The short answer is Yes. You can read more on it here:
Where in the bible does it say that contraception is a sin?[/url:3fy9nfgo]
[quote:3fy9nfgo]if so, does that not contradict the fact that each session of intercourse doesn’t have to be to create a child?[/quote:3fy9nfgo]
As Jon said, the point is that you be [b:3fy9nfgo]open[/b:3fy9nfgo] to having children at each session of intercourse. The Catholic Church does not teach that you have to attempt to have a child at every session. Only be open to it and don’t use any method that stops the natural process from occuring. Sperm into the female by natural means. That would exclude the withdrawal method. Technically there is only like a 4 day window for your wife to get pregnant.
[quote:3fy9nfgo]or does this just mean you should abstain from sex during female menstration?[/quote:3fy9nfgo]
It’s actually when she is ovulating not menstrating. If you aren’t planning on having a child at that time of your life, then yes that is basically how it works. You abstain for that period of time. As catholics we are encouraged to use the NFP method. Which is basically a temperature check of the female body. You can do some more reading on it if you’d like. If I find a good link I will come back and post it.
Hope this helps.