We were inspired by a post in our forums (which you can see below) to make some suggestions on prayers for someone who is in a coma. If someone you know is in a coma, our hearts and prayers go out to you! This must be an extremely difficult time for you and we really pray for God to be with you and your loved one! The first prayer that comes to mind for a situation like this is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. This chaplet was given to St. Faustina by Jesus. It is a powerful prayer that many pray for those who are very sick or dying.
Next is the St. Jude Novena. If you’ve never prayed a novena, this is the perfect time to start and the St. Jude Novena is perfect for this sort of tragic situation. St. Jude is the patron of impossible causes. Many, many people turn to St. Jude by praying for his intercession through a novena when there is a seemingly impossible situation such as a severe illness or coma.
Lastly, it is very important to pray for your loved ones’ soul. While we never know what will happen with a coma and if God will choose to heal someone or not, praying for his/her soul is the best thing to do. Pray that they will go to heaven and await you there where you will be reunited in the love of Christ.
We hope this is helpful to you during this hard time. We’re praying for you!
From our forums:
Hello, About a week ago someone very dear to me had an open heart surgery but he never woke up from it, he is still in a coma and his down left side is paralyzed. Things are not looking good at all and the doctors doesn’t know if it’s a stroke, swollen in the brain or what..
He is only in his mid twenties..
i have been praying for him but I’m starting to lose hope in his recovery.. I know that faith can make miracles happen but i am too tired and scared and am not capable of fully believe that a miracle will happen.
Please pray for him, please..
Thank you
Joining you with our Blessed Mother, and all the Saints to petition with us at God’s throne for the graces needed by everyone involved.
I am sorry for your tragedy. I will pray.
Thank you both for your prayers
They are going to withdraw the life support soon because the doctors says that the damages are so severe ( in both lobes of the brain) and they are irreversible..
He is in an other country at the moment, so rule differs, plus they are ot Catholics, but isn’t this act a sin? In my country it is considered a sin and is not even allowed by the law.
But in either cases, I want to thank you for your prayers for him, and would like if you could have a last prayer so that his soul will rest in peace.
Thank you so much once again
The Church does not require that people be left on extraordinary forms of life support. Removing machines that keep someone who would otherwise not be able to survive, and have not hope or recovery are not required by the Faith, we can allow nature to take it’s course. Either keeping someone on or taking them off extraordinary life support is a hard decision, but not sinful to consider of or do. It is not directly ending someone’s life.
Pope John Paul II explained the distinction between allowing to die and euthanasia in the following manner:
“Euthanasia must be distinguished from the decision to forgo so-called “aggressive medical treatment,” in other words, medical procedures which no longer correspond to the real situation of the patient, either because they are now disproportionate to any expected results or because they impose an excessive burden on the patient and his family. … To forgo extraordinary or disproportionate means is not the equivalent of suicide or euthanasia; it rather expresses acceptance of the human condition in the face of death.”
Evangelium vitae, n. 65.
My own poor prayers for you and all involved, as well as that the Angels lead him into paradise.
Thank you for explaining this to me. My knowledge is not that wide in things like that.
He passed away this friday, and it has been very hard on all of us.
But still praying for his soul.
Thank you for your prayers too, they are very much appreciated.
God bless you