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    <img decoding=:” title=”Question” /> What is the procedure when during communion a host falls to the floor?I watch the daily mass on EWTN and one did fall,the priest picked it up and put a white marker were it fell. Does anyone know what happens after the mass is done.


    I was always taught that if you see one fall on the floor you pick it up and eat it. Don’t let the body of Christ be desecrated.


    Yes,the priest did eat it just wondering what the marker was for.


    [quote:srzlb0or]Yes,the priest did eat it just wondering what the marker was for.[/quote:srzlb0or]
    I don’t know. Never heard of it, <img decoding=” title=”Confused” />


    At a convenient time the priest or a deacon should return to the spot and clean the area with water and a cloth to blot up the area (traditionally three times) the water that is soaked up is placed in a special sink in the sacristy called a sacrarium, or piscina, which drains directly into the ground rather than into the sewar system. If there is no sacrarium a decent spot like a plant in a pot, or a garden can recieve the soaked up water. The same thing happens with old holy oils and other blessed or consecrated items that are burned and disposed of in the sacrarium in order that they not fall into the hands of someone will may use them in a profane way.


    Thanks,I knew there was something special that is done.

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