Six Arkansas nuns excommunicated for involvement with heretical group
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (CNS) — Six sisters from the Monastery of Our Lady of Charity and Refuge in Hot Springs were excommunicated by the Catholic Church for their involvement in a schismatic association based in Quebec. The excommunicated sisters have been longtime members of the Community of the Lady of All Nations, also known as the Army of Mary. They joined the association between 20 and 30 years ago and adopted the teachings of its founder, Marie-Paul Giguere, who believes she is the reincarnation of Mary. The association is no longer considered a Catholic organization because of its false teachings on the Trinity and Mary, a Vatican official said. “The Army of Mary has clearly and publicly become a schismatic community and, as such, a non-Catholic association. Its particular teachings are false and its activities are not able to be frequented nor supported by Catholics,” according to a formal declaration written July 11 by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The congregation released the declaration Sept. 12 and Msgr. J. Gaston Hebert, Little Rock’s diocesan administrator, learned of the decision Sept. 17. The Little Rock Diocese has been without a bishop since Bishop J. Peter Sartain was installed as bishop of Joliet, Ill., in June 2006. … htm#head13