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  • #1802

    <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />
    I have a discussion with Protestants about when the Catholic Church officially started. Many times of their discussion, they often address the Catholic Church as Roman Catholic Church.

    I find this general term to describe our Church as just Roman Catholic Church offensive because the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches are not consider Roman. They are different in their rite and style of worship especially in their liturgy. So yes, I do find it offensive.

    I want to know if you find it offensive when Protestants call our Church as Roman Catholic Church instead of the Catholic Church. Do you think the more proper term would be One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church?


    True the Roman prefix is a Protestant invention to assert that they are part of the (Invisible) Catholic Church, and that the Pope and anyone (usually due to their ignorance of the Eastern Rites and the two lesser known Latin Rites, Mozarabic and Ambrosian) paint the Roman Church as being a Church that had fallen into heresy. While it is technically innacurate, and was started as a slur or slander against the Church, I think there are bigger fish to fry in our present age. First educating Catholics about the Faith. Second Correcting the errors and showing the inaccuracy and slanderous lies of people like our former Troll, Ron K to be the load of Steer Manure that they really are.

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