[color=blue:1t8vch3h]My sin was “I lust for everything” one can type in any sin and get the same penance and pray.[/color:1t8vch3h]
Penance for DaveW
DaveW, it is good that you are truly sorry for your sins. I can see that you are ready to recieve forgiveness, to recieve the grace of god. However, you have committed a grave error and must take time to cleanse yourself. Please recite the following prayer:
Receive my confession, O most loving and gracious Lord Jesus Christ, only hope for the salvation of my soul. Grant to me true contrition of soul, so that day and night I may by penance make satisfaction for my many sins. Savior of the world, O good Jesus, Who gave Yourself to the death of the Cross to save sinners, look upon me, most wretched of all sinners; have pity on me, and give me the light to know my sins, true sorrow for them, and a firm purpose of never committing them again.
O gracious Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of Jesus, I implore you to obtain for me by your powerful intercession these graces from you Divine Son.
Invalid yes. But proof that man and his psyche are such that he needs to have assurance of the forgiveness of his sins, and how much our Lord knew and loves mankind by giving us so great a sacrament.
I’d be interested to know who sponsors the site. There was a schismatic “bishop” an Old Catholic fellow in Ireland, the guy who attempted ordination on Sened O’Conner, (Sp?) the pop singer who tore up the photo of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night live. This fellow was offering a confessional via telephone and internet, at one time, and if memory serves (which it sometimes does for me) he accepted Visa and Mastercard making it both invalid and sinful for attempting to take money for the sacrament of penance.