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  • #1660

    Mistaken chatter
    The teenager had been on the phone for half an hour. When she finally hung up, her father looked up from the paper.
    “You usually talk for two hours,” he said. “What stopped you?”
    “Wrong number,” she replied.


    A Rabbi, a Hindu, and an attorney were driving down a country road together.
    Of course the car broke down and they went to a nearby farm to see if they could find lodging for the night.
    The farmer was glad to help, bit only 2 could stay in the house, the other in the barn.
    The Rabbi being the gracious man that he is volunteered to sleep in the barn.
    But 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door and it was the Rabbi. He shared that he could not sleep in the barn, there were pigs in the barn.
    The Hindu immediately understood and volunteered to sleep in the barn.
    But 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. The Hindu shared that he could not sleep in the barn, there were cows in the barn.
    By this time the attorney was fed up with the interruptions and shouted, “I’ll sleep in the stinkin’ barn!
    10 minutes later the cows and pigs were at the door.

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