Thank you for this opportunity and thank God that we have such a forum. I’m a cradle Catholic but was introduced to God by my Protestant father who was my greatest teacher. From him I learned to have a personal relationship with God and revere Holy Scripture. From his commitment to raise me Catholic he was brought to the fullness of truth and became Catholic before leaving this world. My journey of faith has been full of hills and valleys. I had a fallen away time from which I returned 13 years ago with a great love for God and His church. The parable of the 2 debtors from Luke has a particular relevance for me as well as that of the prodigal son. I have always admired Saint Peter, particularly as a symbol of redemption and the power of faith. I took Peter as a Conformation name and use its’ Greek form Petros for an internet name. I look forward to learning here and hopefully contributing as well. I’m particularly interested in Church history, apologetics and Bible studies. I hope to write again soon.
In Christ, Petros