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    Sometimes God shows us His truth through humor. What a cruel God He would be if He did not let us laugh from time to time. It is proof of a loving God that even though we are burdened with the effects of sin on our souls we can enjoy a good chuckle now and again.

    The book [u:10sz4otq][b:10sz4otq]The Bad Catholics, a guide to wine whiskey and song[/b:10sz4otq][/u:10sz4otq] is a followup to [b:10sz4otq]The Bad Catholic’s guide to good living[/b:10sz4otq] a perfect example of how Catholics can poke fun at ourselves, without denying the Eternal Truths taught by Jesus, and handed down to us by the Apostles. No Puritanical pretense here. Just the History and Ethos of the Church founded by Christ told in a way that is both entertaining and enlightening.


    [quote:10sz4otq]Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.

    Ecclesiastes 9:7[/quote:10sz4otq]

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