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    Hey, I am 23 and interested in becoming Catholic. I wasn’t brought up in a church, but I did attended churches during the summers for camps and bible school. I was baptized, but I am not sure what to do at this point?


    Welcome! Were you baptized in a Catholic church or elsewhere?




    What is drawing you to the Catholic Church?


    The structured foundation for learning the bible. I also have a 6 year old and an eight month old, and I’d like them to be involved in a church. Can you lead me in the right direction?


    Only the Holy Spirit can lead you in the right direction, but anyone here can try to help you on your journey! <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />



    If you were baptized with water, using the Trinitarian Formula, (In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) then you are Baptized. According to Catholic teaching it is Jesus Himself from whom the graces of the Sacrament come, not the person administering the rite.

    As to becoming Catholic, sure I’m all for it. First attend Mass, ask if there is an inquiry class where you can learn about what it is to be Catholic, what we believe, and do as Catholics. Feel free to ask here too.

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