Peace be with all present,
[quote:m8fx7wc9]”Faced with the advance of hedonism,” he continued, “I ask of you the brave witness of chastity. Faced with the thirst for money, your sober life and your service to those in need, reminds us that God is the authentic source of wealth that never perishes.” [/quote:m8fx7wc9]
The full article is here[/url:m8fx7wc9].
The Popes statement on hedonism[/url:m8fx7wc9] fell in line with a lecture I attended last week at my Parrish, where the Priest speaking likened these material pleasure to idols and gods. Using Greek gods as examples:
Bacchus – addictions (drugs, alcohol, pornography)
Venus – lust
Mammon – money
So I was wondering what others think of these influences in our world today and how we, as Catholics, can be good examples against these idols?
God Bless!