I suppose this is an example of my weird sense of humour, but apparently chimps share 99% of our DNA.
I can imagine a chimpanzee family sitting in their lounge room at the local zoo. Father Chimp and Mother Chimp are watching the TV, Sonny Chimp is swinging a tyre around his bedroom, while Mother Chimp peels the bananas for tea as she watches the idiot box.
There’s an announcement on TV – “Chimps and humans share 99% of their DNA!”
Father Chimp, relatively well educated, thinks about the humans – Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, World Wars, the humans, highest of all creatures, are also the only ones that murder each other with regularity include their own unborn children and then call it ethical, nuclear war, despoliation of the environment ….
He turns to Mother Chimp. “Cheez, Mother” he says, scratching himself under the armpit with his big toe, “that was a close shave!”