:” title=”Question” /> I have a great grand daughter who is two who has never been baptized and my grand daughter and the father are not married (both were raised Cathloic),he is a non-practicing catholic and grand daughter is a wishy-washy one.I heard that anybody(like me) could baptise a person and it would be valid in God’s eye,is that correct?Also would God punish a child if it died for not being baptized.
Anyone can baptise if the ordinary means of baptism are not available.
So if your great-granddaughter was on her deathbed and and there was no priest or deacon around (the ordinary ministers of the sacrament) then yes you can baptize so long as you use water and say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Otherwise if she is perfectly healthy then she should go through her local parish.
Also, if your granddaughter is of the age of reason, she must choose to be baptized of her own free will. That is not to say she has to come to the conclusion that she must be baptized entirely on her own, just that the ultimate decision is hers to make.
[quote:1ygbsbzo]So based on these replies, no, God would never punish a child for not being baptized. What makes you think this?[/quote:1ygbsbzo]
Well, if a child is unaware of or cannot control his or her unbaptized state what fault is it of the child’s? God is a just god…he wouldn’t punish someone in that situation.