Home Forums Everything Else doctor Luther never accused catholic statues as idolatry??? Reply To: doctor Luther never accused catholic statues as idolatry???

"LARobert":3pgi4phd wrote:
There were very serious issues that did lead up to some of the issues that sparked the Reformation that had to be addressed. The secular Clergy were poorly trained, many simply apprenticed learning from their local priest. Many of the laity were poorly instructed in the faith, and disregarded the moral and dogmatic teachings of the Church (Remind you of any other times in history?) The Counter-Reformation was an effort within the Catholic Church to address these issues.[/quote:3pgi4phd]
As Luther was correcting the clergy of the Lutheran Church and instructing the Laymen of their faith, So were the Catholics within their own church. Is this correct?

One reason why Luther wrote the Small Catechism was so that the Laymen could understand the teachings of the Christian Church