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Yup I’m back, I have a break in my schedule between the radiation and the Chemotherapy, so I’ll be reading and getting the replies to your questions that I promised you end of Lent in due course. Not to mention uniting the unplesant side effects of the treatment to those of Christ on the Cross for the intention that the fetters are unloosed and people find their way back to Christ and His Church.
I do however find it interesting that like your individual quotes out of context from the Scriptures, you also select and narrowly misrepresent from Catholic documents. It would seem that the sources you get them from are Anti-Catholics rather than the sources themselves. Regarding the Catechism, I’ve at least once mentioned that the Catechism is a condensation of the Truths taught by the Church, not an exhaustive treaties. A similar anology would be that your yet to be named denomination probably has a Children’s Sunday or Sabbath School. The children do not learn (I would assume) the Greek Texts and the historical content of the bible times, as someone of more advanced age and study should. So too the Catechism is a basic overview of the Faith that will hopefully spur a Catholic on to a deeper study and understanding of the Faith, of which the Bible, (which Catholics are encouraged to read, and exposed to every time they assist at Mass) is a part of. Anyone who reads through Catholic theological works, Dogmatic decrees or Council Documents will see that Scripture is used to support the documents, rather than trying to hammer scripture into conformity to what we want it to say, we look to what the early Church said and see if we are in confomity with what the Apostles and their successors taught.
It would seem that based on your statements in the past that historical facts would just muddy up the waters and disprove the inventions of 16th Century Protestants. I’ve asked you before, and ask again by what authority do we have the canon of Scripture, and what denomination you are a member of, (you don’t have to give the specific local parish) as well as what sources you use to attack the Church because it will help in understanding what bias you are coming from. I ask you this because (once again) your attacks are not novel, but simply (in most cases) word for word attacks from other writers who have been shown misleading and false. A careful read of your web pages will show you where you contradict yourself, I’m not going to blurt it out, you find the contradictions and I’ll continue to read it….
Deflecting questions and discounting them rather than answer them seems to be your MO mr. Ron. You lump Catholics with the Pharasaical party, but it seems that you like them like to attack Christ’s teaching by a narrow interpretation of the Law. It would seem you would rather attack, and close your eyes to discussion. Most of all the points that you cannot answer. I see little use of discussing, let alone debating topics if you can’t respond to questions, jump to conclusions, and attempt with a limited knowledge base to define Catholic teachings by looking at them from a limited and poorly researched perspective.
New question to ignore by you Mr. Ron. How about the proscription against divorce. Christ says that it was a concession allowed by Moses who was bending to the will of the people, and that it would not be tolerated, but Protestants disobey Christ in allowing it.
Since I am not the administrator of this board, I’ll just make observations. You Ronald come into a Catholic Board and start slinging your anti-catholic rhetoric, you tell us that you know the Bible, and nobody else here does, you tell us that the historical documents, and history of the Church are lies and brainwashing. You tell us not to tell you about how the Bible Canon was formulated, that it is not important, yet you give nothing to support any of these accusations, no alternate history (from credible sources) nor do you reply to those questions that you deem unimportant perhaps because you cannot find an answer to them. It is important to understand where the canon of the Bible came from. If you can find another answer aside from the historical truth, I’d like to hear that. So far no answer from you on this and other topics, just attacks based on the writings of others, and not fully fact checked in the full context of the subject by yourself.