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[quote:35rkxw1k]Hi Jordan. Don’t expect us to give you ammo to “witness” to the errors of Catholicism that your neighbors practice.

This is a pro-Catholic site. <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />[/quote:35rkxw1k]

I don’t want ‘ammo,’ but I do want to witness. So I would like to understand exactly what my neighbors believe.

[quote:35rkxw1k][color=darkblue:35rkxw1k]Here is my first advice for you to give them: [b:35rkxw1k]Tell them to stay Catholic.[/b:35rkxw1k] <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />
Welcome to the forum.[/color:35rkxw1k][/quote:35rkxw1k]


[quote:35rkxw1k]Why would you witness to people who believe in and profess Christ as Lord and Savior?[/quote:35rkxw1k]

Because, I’m sorry, but I don’t believe Catholics are Christians. And the Bible says even the demons believe, and shudder…