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[quote:1wzb1xfp]So let’s see if I have this straight – you say we have Baptism to get Justified 2 until you die to get re-justified in confession to a priest 3 – then there is before death – the last rites and as you just pointed out – even after death, theres Purgatory – all those sacraments and methods to get rid of sins …… I wonder what Jesus accomplished at Calvary then…..
Naw – I’ll stick with Jesus [/quote:1wzb1xfp]

Stick to whatever you want, but it’s certainly not Christ.

[quote:1wzb1xfp]James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. [/quote:1wzb1xfp]

I’m not even in the law. Doesn’t apply. Wanna try again? :rolleyes:

[quote:1wzb1xfp]Hello? Acts 5 they died 1 Cor. 11:30 the word sleep is used for Chistians that died! ]Hello? Acts 5 they died 1 Cor. 11:30 the word sleep is used for Chistians that died! [/quote:1wzb1xfp]

Hello? I’m talking about in the same verse. Or can you not find it in there and twist other verses to suit your point.

[quote:1wzb1xfp]Sure, why not? If you want to reduce it that then yes.[/quote:1wzb1xfp]

I answered your question already, but Jon already did it in simple terms for you.
