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[quote:38j2almk]hey after some more thought, i’m thinking that you guys are basing that protestants think they’re going to heaven automatically when they accept Christ because of the verse, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one gets to the Father but by Me.”I’ve talked about this verse before on here, and ya, protestants strongly believe in that verse.[/quote:38j2almk]

Protestants don’t base it off one verse. They use more then one verse to justify their position of [b:38j2almk]”[color=purple:38j2almk]once-saved-always-saved[/color:38j2almk]”[/b:38j2almk].

[quote:38j2almk]Well what we, or atleast I think of that verse is that ya, you only get to heaven if you accept Christ. but that’s not all. [/quote:38j2almk]

You sound catholic. :mrgreen: But yeah technically that is [b:38j2almk]all[/b:38j2almk] you need to do. Don’t take my word for it, ask one of them.

[quote:38j2almk]God is our heavenly father. if you went up to your earthly father and said “I love you dad,” and then slapped him in the face, do you think that your message got through?? do you think your dad feels like you love him?? no way. same thing with our heavenly father. if we accept him, and then live our lives totally unlike him, or “slap him in the face,” not a chance do we have salvation. [/quote:38j2almk]

Amen! Yup definately catholic. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

[quote:38j2almk]so in a nutshell can someone please tell me how catholics think they’re going to heaven? like i know you said that we don’t know and that God is the only judge, but how do you put forth your best effort to earn salvation and spend eternity with him? do you not believe in the verse i stated and that someone who does not accept Christ ever can still go to heaven? do you think that the bible is right or partly right? what other things do you believe grants you salvation? [/quote:38j2almk]

Actually you were doing just fine in explaining catholic understanding of salvation. Of course we believe in that verse. As a matter fact, everything we do is Christ-centered. It all points to Christ. Many times people object because catholics have different ways of getting to Christ in which people do no understand. Did you know that our belief in Mary is Christ-centered? That is just one example. As catholics we are to constantly go to the alter take in the Body of Christ, pray, and respond to God’s graces in HOPE that we will go to heaven.

As for your question about whether we believe in “part” of the bible or all of it. We deffinately believe in all of it. That is the simple answer. The only thing that grants us salvation is the Grace of God. The Graces of God come in different forms.

Hope that helps

Peace In Christ