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[quote:3b5j0bg3]what’s offensive about it is the fact that you truly think that non-catholic christians think they’re going to heaven as soon as they accept Christ[/quote:3b5j0bg3]
Ct, I can show you several fundamentalist message boards where the posters will tell you just that.
And once again, stop taking a remark that was made in reference to specific groups and expanding it to all Protestants.
Finally, I have to point out that your reasoning faith by how people act at church is fallacious. For some, faith is made most clear at church. However, for others, faith is lived by the words of St. James, “religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation and to keep one’s self unspotted from this world” James 1:27.