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[quote:1fvs46j9]I know that assenting isn’t a matter of choice. I have to accept it anyway–but the thing I’ve come to love about Catholicism is that I can attack every part of it with as much questioning and zeal and doubt as I do with this, and I get an answer that satisfies me. I don’t mean to be rebellious and I don’t think that my role is always to sit down and sht up, so I question things regularily because I want to understand everything I can. [/quote:1fvs46j9]
It is not okay to question everything about the Faith. Dogmatic teachings and Canon are the rule and are not to be questioned. They are the rock upon which Peter and the Apostles defined our Faith by. If we are to question our Faith, or any part of it, I would suggest only after prayer, reading of the Gospels and Scripture should one question the faith and do so of competent authority, ie Priests, Deacons, etc…
[quote:1fvs46j9]To put it one way: The answer to “Why can’t gays marry?” is not “Because the Church has always married men and women, silly!” it’s “The purpose of gender and marriage is procreation” and I can accept that so I do. I want to know why God has us do one thing and not another, why He has arranged the world one way and not another.[/quote:1fvs46j9]
This is a perfect example of God providence! And why we cannot always figure out or guess what his will is. We except it on faith. Why women cannot be Priest maybe of the same nature. We understand about gender and why sexes exists now due to our mental growth and what our sciences have helped us to understand. We may not be there yet concerning women and Priests. But does that invalidate a fact we just don’t know the reasons for yet?
The same holds true that we may learn in our growth that it is Gods will for women to enter into the Priesthood. But until that time we should not “guess” or “debate” God’s will on this or any other issue. Prayer, again, is what prepares the mind to hear and listen to the Holy Spirit, this is what is most important.
[quote:1fvs46j9]Why is God always masculine? What is the purpose of woman? It seems illogical to me that He would create a human being with a soul and the same longing for Him, but with a lesser function. If the sole purpose of women was to bear children and nothing else, it would be kinder for us to reproduce by splitting in half like amoebas. Therefore, the function of women is not just to reproduce and nothing else. The Church teaches that the function of women is not to be priests or deacons or altar-servers.
You just wont like this, lol. God created women [b:1fvs46j9][u:1fvs46j9]for[/u:1fvs46j9][/b:1fvs46j9] man, because God saw that man was alone and that he needed a “suitable partner”.
[quote:1fvs46j9]18 The LORD God said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.”
[i:1fvs46j9]Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament ( Ge 2:18 ) Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.[/i:1fvs46j9] [/quote:1fvs46j9]
[quote:1fvs46j9]22 The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man, 23 the man said:
“This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
This one shall be called ‘woman,’ for out of ‘her man’ this one has been taken.” 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
[i:1fvs46j9]Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Ge 2:22) Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. [/i:1fvs46j9][/quote:1fvs46j9]
Women was created for man and when joined or married they become one. Women can be servers and in the early Church they were Deaconesses. I really am not sure why they cannot be now, but they were in the beginning and due to some counsel it was changed I figure.
[quote:1fvs46j9]So what is the purpose of women? Why don’t we reproduce like amoebas do? There’s an official Vatican document that says, “the Church desires that Christian women should become fully aware of the greatness of their mission: today their role is of capital importance both for the renewal and humanization of society and for the rediscovery by believers of the true face of the Church.” What is that role? What is appropriate for a woman to do in the Church? [/quote:1fvs46j9]
To support the Church, their husband, and they have the greatest gift of all they can bare children. This in it’s self is a gift above any man has. As a father I can attest to that! Consider the gift of bring life into this world!
[quote:1fvs46j9]I guess, if I did want anything changed in the Church and it is (as I’ve been told) absolutely totally 100% not on that women should be priests, I’d want the Church to clarify just what the spiritual purpose and vocation of women is.[/quote:1fvs46j9]
All will be revealed in time. God lets us know what we need to know and when we need to know it. God’s time isn’t ours and very often our time is rarely God’s. ” title=”Smile” />