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The most fun way to answer that question is: Jack Chick’s view of D&D is as scholarly and true as his view of Catholicism. :rolleyes:
I can understand where people on the outside looking in might believe there is a good connection between roleplaying and occultism but in 10 years I have yet to learn a single spell. (Sorry if I go through this with constant joking.) The truth is, roleplaying is generally like playing fantasy video games with friends. An accurate depiction of a typical D&D game can be found here[/url:1o9biwh7] (flash video with sound; and yes, sometimes it is more fun but oftentimes this is exactly what happens). The guy in the bar expresses the typical teenage-boy attitude.
I came to be saved in a Baptist church because of roleplaying. I left Protestantism behind within a year after I found that what I was taught was contradicted by the Bible (salvation by faith alone) or was illogical and inappropriate for a being like God (such as once saved, always saved). In high school I met my best friend because we both played Dungeons & Dragons. He was instrumental in bringing me (back) to the Catholic Church by giving me books like Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed and even a Catechism.
I also find that the game is full of opportunities for expressing the Christian faith. The main premise is to take on the role of a hero who fights evil. The most prominent hero-type in the game is the paladin, based on groups like Charlemagne’s knights and the Knights Templar. D&D discards any notion of moral relativism by stating flat out that Good and Evil are objective. The core rules are very Christian friendly and, in case you heard anything to the contrary, they espouse no real world or fictional information on the occult. They are, for the most part, what you might find if you looked at the coding for a computer game. The closest thing to occultism that I have ever seen was the fact that every gamer has his lucky dice and that is as condemnable as a baseball player’s lucky socks.
Throughout my life roleplaying has been a positive experience. I have met people who became my friends, I have bettered my vocabulary, my math skills, my communication skills, my imagination, and I have come to my faith.
There are certain traits that are common among roleplayers (such as social noncomformism), and some of those traits are common among certain non-Christians. One of my friends was a druid and his sister was a witch and they both roleplayed with Catholics and non-denom Christians.