
Reflections on current events from a Catholic perspective.

What are the Differences Between Catholics and Christians?

Initially, it may be confusing to understand how Catholicism relates to Christianity. When you ask Protestants what religion they are, most of them will say, “Christian.” When you ask Catholics the same question, however, nearly all of them will identify as “Catholic.” Yet Catholics believe in Jesus and read the Bible. So how does Catholicism

What are the Differences Between Catholics and Christians? Read More »

person holding wand on top of bowl

Is Magic a Sin?

When people talk about Magic, there are always two sides to it. The first side is the one that focuses on entertainment, something you see in a magic show where there are card tricks, or pulling out a bunny from a hat. The other kind of magic refers to the belief and use of spells, charms, and supernatural powers.

Is Magic a Sin? Read More »