Hate; the feeling of extreme dislike, the emotion that makes you feel strong for a while, only to reveal that it is something that would damage and make you unhappy in the long run. Most people say that hate is a strong word; when said in a very serious manner, it is something that can give a firm negative judgment or impression towards people, and things that may affect how a person sees something permanently. Is hatred a sin? Let’s find out!
What is Hatred
Hatred by definition is an intense dislike for something or someone. It is something to be felt with a passion full of negativity. When someone hates something or someone, it is a strong aversion full of intensity.
Is it Normal to Feel Hatred?
Hatred is part of human emotions, it is an extreme dislike with a lot of strength and passion. Some studies say that extreme and true hatred is very uncommon and that hatred is mostly a reaction to a hurtful and unforgettable experience that may have happened in your life.
Is Anger and Hate the Same?
Anger is a regular emotion, that everyone can feel. It is mostly fleeting and can be instantly resolved. Hatred is a distortion of anger. Hate rejects reason and maybe something continuous in your mind that can not be instantly resolved.
Why Do People Hate?
People usually hate because of a feeling that they might have gotten from a person/s and things that made them feel humiliated, envious, and hurt. Hatred can stem from the experience of bullying and abuse, most people who have encountered such tend to hate their bullies or abusers.
Hatred can also be a result of contempt, especially when a person has a high sense of ego, hatred for people who think they are better than others can easily hate people who do not qualify by their “standards”.
One of the worst types of hatred is the kind that is being fed deliberately and learned through different people. For example, a group of people will create disinformation, lies, and fake news towards a certain person or group that only encourages hate. Here, the feelings of hate were intentionally fed and were used to affect one’s judgment and feelings.
Ultimately hatred thrives and grows in the absence of compassion and love.
The Dangers of Hate
One of the most dangerous aspects of hatred is developing the mindset of dehumanization. If someone is experiencing extreme hatred towards a person or a group of people, he or she may completely forget that their subject of hate is a living, breathing person/s and a child/children of God.
When a person is already dehumanizing others, usually acts of violence comes in, and that is very much considered a sin.
Is Hatred a Sin?
Hatred can be felt in a lot of different circumstances, some feelings of hatred may or may not be sinful. Let’s dive in a bit deeper.
An example of hatred that is not sinful is, hating a person’s actions or violence. Violence is a mortal sin and is undoubtedly wrong, therefore the feeling of hatred towards it may not be seen as a sin. The same goes with hatred for abortion, the feeling of hatred for abortion is not a sin, since abortion is a mortal sin.
Hatred becomes a sin when your hate is fueled by invalid reasons. An example is the feeling of hatred for someone because you think they are ugly. Or hatred for someone because of your irreconcilable differences.
Hatred is especially a sin if it is coupled with actions of violence, cruelty, or brutality.
How to Overcome Hate?
Going through hatred is a very difficult thing. It is not easy to go through hatred alone. We highly encourage you to seek professional help through therapy or spiritual direction with a priest or your spiritual adviser if you are going through hatred.
As Catholics, it is also always a good idea to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation as this will also be the key for us in overcoming our feelings of hatred. Remember, God loves you and He will always want you to be healed from hatred. There is simply nothing impossible with God. Hatred can be healed through having the proper guidance that you need, consistent determination, and of course, prayer.