[b:1kdw9937]There were some interesting results in this recent U.S. election.[/b:1kdw9937]
Voters in Washington voted to allow assisted suicide.
Voters in Colorado overwhelmingly denied declaring life begins at the moment of conception, further undermining the right to life.
South Dakotans voted not to put limits on abortions.
Massachusetts voters (myself included) voted to ban dog racing because of the inhumane treatment of the dogs.
Californians voted for more humane treatment of farm animals.
[b:1kdw9937]How is it that the life of an animal is given more sanctity than a human life? Why is it so easy for the public to support animal rights, but not the rights of the most helpless of their own kind?[/b:1kdw9937]
It’s a sad situation when humanity is bent on killing itself in the name of justice, equality and fairness.
Information taken from cnn.com and causecast.org.