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    US to bomb Iran sending oil to $150-200!?


    If the US plans to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites, oil could surge to $150-200 in a week according to Congressman (republican) Ron Paul.

    Click on link to listen. :!:


    [color=darkblue:2oc56ta2]Perfect…….now I can lose weight by taking a bicycle or walking to work. It won’t matter cause my boss will be late to work as late.[/color:2oc56ta2]


    I will stay home and vegetate (probably drive once a week) I’m retired. I remember as a teenager back in the 50’s me and my buddies would pool are money and fill up the tank for $5 (of course gas was about .25 a gallon).Can one imagine what the food prices will be. The lowest price for a barrel of oil I can remember is $17. What is really stupid is they can make a car run on any liquid but the goverment don’t want to step on the big oil companys who are making billions of dollars a day(something will have to happen soon).

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