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- This topic has 1 reply, 5 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 3 months ago by Anonymous.
December 10, 2005 at 3:22 am #5546AnonymousInactive
Fred, you wrote:
Post subject:Ron, I don’t think you really care what we have to say. Your agenda is all spelled out right here: http://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/v … ory_id=461
If you were seeking in earnest to have a respectable discussion that would be fine, but it seems like you have come here to “evangelize” us silly Catholics into your gospel of doctrines that satisfy your itching ears. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Unless you actually have something worthwhile to discuss I suggest you hang it up here because we won’t play your game.
_________________What good homework you did! However perhaps instead of refusing to “play” maybe you could learn from a true believer in Jesus Christ! After all, there is only one way to salvation and it is NOT Catholisim as I was taught, not through merits but by grace along through Faith Alone in Christ’s finished work at Calvary. If you remember right, I started this by simply pointing out that you may talk the talk of truth, but your walk is way off line!
Victor – you asked “what did Jesus’ brothers not being Christian” have to do with anything? – It’s like Paul wrote in 2 Cor 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” and also applied to marrages in 1 Corinthians 7:39 – The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; [u:3fybhdm5]only in the Lord.[/u:3fybhdm5] [/b]
I thank you for patience however let’s not forget the point is who is right?
Certainly I can prove by Scriptures alone that was what Jesus did whenever a problem came up, He said “It is written…’ Should we be any different? Paul wasn’t! He said not to go beyond what is written in 1 Cor 4:6.But as for this:”But your insults and fairytales about my Church will get you no where. I can provide you with with a truck load of historical evidence about Mary and like many Protestants you will only ignore it because it’s not in Scripture. Ifear my efforts will be in vain. Your position about “adelphos” has fallen in it’s face with what I just provided. Do you have anything else to add? ” – fairytales? All you have is so-called historical evidence. Doesn’t that strike you as odd because it isn’t in Scriptures? You prove my point!!! Insults? Not intended but then was this comment ment to encourage me? – “Bravo Fred, Bravo…..
Couldn’t of said it better. Let’s see what our friend Ron will respond” No but I never said that was insulting either. I think Scriptures supported my point about Mary’s “Perpetusl virginity” just fine.SHould we continue about the many ways in which your Catechism contradicts Scriptures?
December 10, 2005 at 7:27 am #5549About Catholics TeamKeymaster[quote:2d4xbntw]Fred, you wrote:
Post subject:Ron, I don’t think you really care what we have to say. Your agenda is all spelled out right here: http://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/v … ory_id=461
If you were seeking in earnest to have a respectable discussion that would be fine, but it seems like you have come here to “evangelize” us silly Catholics into your gospel of doctrines that satisfy your itching ears. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Unless you actually have something worthwhile to discuss I suggest you hang it up here because we won’t play your game.
_________________What good homework you did! However perhaps instead of refusing to “play” maybe you could learn from a true believer in Jesus Christ! After all, there is only one way to salvation and it is NOT Catholisim as I was taught, not through merits but by grace along through Faith Alone in Christ’s finished work at Calvary. If you remember right, I started this by simply pointing out that you may talk the talk of truth, but your walk is way off line![/quote:2d4xbntw]
Dude, you’re kind of a jerk. If you’re looking to evangelize people this is not a very good approach. God didn’t say to go share the Gospel and be a jerk about it.
Side note, Fred didn’t write that post, I did.
Another side note: please learn to use the “quote” feature as it would make reading your posts much easier. Thanks.
December 10, 2005 at 12:15 pm #5550AnonymousInactiveJon [b:1var87tk]
You wrote:[/b:1var87tk]
Dude, you’re kind of a jerk. If you’re looking to evangelize people this is not a very good approach. God didn’t say to go share the Gospel and be a jerk about it.Side note, Fred didn’t write that post, I did.
Another side note: please learn to use the “quote” feature as it’ll make reading your posts much easier. Thanks.[/quote:1var87tk]
[b:1var87tk]Sorry that you feel So offended Jon, perhaps I did come across as a jerk, but don’t let that stop you either. What I wrote will upset most regardless of how nice I tell them about Catholicism- no one likes to find out that they’ve been deceived – will you at least read my articles and think about this PLEASE? [/b:1var87tk]December 10, 2005 at 4:31 pm #5552About Catholics TeamKeymasterMr. Kempen,
I did not get to where I am without a serious study of my faith and what other sects of Christianity preach as well. This website exists as a result of that.I will share a story with you. About 4.5 years ago I started dating a girl whose family was Catholic, but then her mother had some questions and didn’t think the Catholic faith followed the Bible and she became Evangelical (along with my girlfriend and her brother). The dad remained Catholic.
When I met my girlfriend, her faith was very important to her as mine was to me. We had deep, serious conversations about it quite often. One night we made a deal. We agreed that because of the differences in what each other’s faith was saying that they both cannot be completely true and one must be right over the other. We agreed to do a serious study of each other’s faiths and whichever was correct then the other would convert to that.
My eyes became open to a whole new world of learning about Scripture and history about both sides (Catholic and non-Catholic). During our study everything had to be proved from Scripture for her and me too. After 6 months of serious prayer, discernment and learning (from Scripture mind you) my girlfriend entered RCIA to become Catholic.
Ron, I’ve read much of what you’ve written already in some form or other. It all looks the same as the other anti-Catholic stuff I’ve read in the past. I’ve read [i:2abbfc6w]The Gospel According to Rome[/i:2abbfc6w] by James G. McCarthy and written a 63 page rebuttal to the first 6 chapters. I’ve debated with people who want nothing more than to evangelize Catholics on messageboards for almost 5 years. I’ve seen the arguments, I’ve been there.
While every now and then an argument looks remotely convincing, when I pray about it and read the Scriptures the things you say just don’t add up.
When you take into account the entirety of the Scriptures, not just random, isolated verses slinging, and the history of Christianity, any non-Catholic, Christian belief system doesn’t quite add up.
Your beliefs only go back about 300 years. Catholicism has developed for 2000 years. The people who made up your beliefs broke away from original Christianity.
Jesus didn’t institute the Bible, the Catholic Church did. In essence you are trying to tear down Catholicism with the very tool it helped put together. Yes, all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work, but that does not say that ONLY Scripture is the rule of faith.
The Bible never says by faith ALONE did someone believe. You sneak these interpretations into Scripture, but that’s not what it says. My friend, it is you who has been deceived.
Now, if you really, really want to discuss your articles and Catholicism and all that then we can. However, there will be limits. First, it’s not really fair to come at us with a rude, accusatory tone flinging out 10 different accusations/topics and expect us to answer them all. So let’s try to stick with one topic at a time. We’ll be courteous as long as you are.
There are at least 5 knowledgeable and well qualified Catholics on this website that may be responding. Enjoy. You kind of walked into the Lion’s den looking for a fight and if you go about it the wrong way then a fight you just may get. But I only want to do this under peaceful terms.
I set up the forum on this website because most of the other religious forums had people that were very rude to each other in debate and it really didn’t seem like they were all that Christian. If you can’t follow the Forum Rules and Policies[/url:2abbfc6w] then I will be asking you to leave.
Sound fair enough?
December 10, 2005 at 5:06 pm #5557AnonymousInactiveYes that is fair enough, Jon
Perhaps you will allow me to see what you wrote to J McCarthy?
[b:1wupxhfo]Ron, I’ve read much of what you’ve written already in some form or other. It all looks the same as the other anti-Catholic stuff I’ve read in the past. I’ve read The Gospel According to Rome by James G. McCarthy and written a 63 page rebuttal to the first 6 chapters. I’ve debated with people who want nothing more than to evangelize Catholics on messageboards for almost 5 years. I’ve seen the arguments, I’ve been there[/b:1wupxhfo]
Although I cannot understand how or why you don’t agree, maybe this would help. Similairly, I’ve dedicateded my life to reach CAtholics. Fighting doesn’t open doors, so I’ll slow down.
As for the Bible – that was authored by God, it is His Word to us, not
the Catholic Church’s word to us. It also tells us not to add to it….so why
does your Church feel the need for a Catechism, the Mormons use their Book, the Jw’s have their’s as well? Maybe you can tell me that as well?Thank you for your patience as well ” title=”Smile” />
December 10, 2005 at 5:54 pm #5559AnonymousInactivePeace be with you Ron,
You blog in no way refutes what I have stated. In fact your believes are heretical concerning the nature of Christ:
Monophysitism: Monophysite comes from the Greek words for “one body.” This heresy says that Jesus Christ was a joining of the eternal Logos with the human person Jesus, which occurred at incarnation. He therefore is two separate natures joined in one body. Monophysitism is very much alive in several present-day Egyptian and Middle Eastern sects of Christianity.
So as such your belief concerning Mary’s role in Christ’s life is wrong and I would encourage you to look hard at these issues. Further full quote of these Scriptures are necessary for full understanding. Example:
“not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.” Is properly quoted as:
29 Jesus said to them in reply, “You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.
Further you have pulled the quote out of it original context. This Chapter speaks of the kingdom of Heaven and more to the point this passage speaks of resurrection:
23 On that day Sadducees approached him, saying that there is no resurrection. They put this question to him,
24 saying, “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies without children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up descendants for his brother.’
25 Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died and, having no descendants, left his wife to his brother.
26 The same happened with the second and the third, through all seven.
27 Finally the woman died.
28 Now at the resurrection, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had been married to her.”
29 Jesus said to them in reply, “You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.
30 At the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like the angels in heaven.
31 And concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God,
32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”
33 When the crowds heard this, they were astonished at his teaching.This is the problem with Sola Scriptura, you speak well but with misunderstand of the scriptures. You move them out of context to make them fit your believe. If you reexamine this passage you will see that Christ is speaking plainly and directly to the Sadducees on the topic of resurrection, not on Mary or as a standard to judge others by.
I know this will seem as a attack on you but it is not. Remove your emotion, you pride, and seek with a pure heart and you will see this so. You have heretical believes based on a house of cards interpretation of scripture. I pray you can find truth!
God Bless,
December 10, 2005 at 6:46 pm #5560About Catholics TeamKeymaster[quote:cnqp8to4]Perhaps you will allow me to see what you wrote to J McCarthy?[/quote:cnqp8to4]
I would have it on the site if I had it typed up, but it’s all handwritten. I never got around to putting it in a digital format. Maybe that will be my next big project. ” title=”Smile” />Have you read the book yourself?
[quote:cnqp8to4]As for the Bible – that was authored by God, it is His Word to us, not
the Catholic Church’s word to us. It also tells us not to add to it….so why
does your Church feel the need for a Catechism, the Mormons use their Book, the Jw’s have their’s as well? Maybe you can tell me that as well?[/quote:cnqp8to4]
We do not put the Catechism on the same level as the Bible. It is not a holy book. It explains Catholic doctrine in a systematic and condensed form. It was written primarily for Catholic bishops to be able to help explain the faith.You are correct, the Bible is God’s word to us not the Catholic Church’s word to us. However, it was Catholic bishops in 394 A.D. and 403 A.D. under the guidance of the Holy Spirit that finalized what books comprised the Bible (called the [i:cnqp8to4]canon[/i:cnqp8to4]). Later, during the Reformation, Martin Luther [b:cnqp8to4]removed[/b:cnqp8to4] books that Christians had accepted as holy for nearly 14 centuries prior. Any non-Catholic Bible is actually missing parts and is therefore incomplete.
As for your reference to Rev. 22:18-19 there is something to keep in mind. Revelation was written before 200 A.D. – a couple hundred years before the Bible was compiled. The author, John, most likely originally intended for that to apply to his book Revelation and not some compilation that was to be made in a few hundred years. Regardless, I agree that nothing should be added to God’s Word.
December 10, 2005 at 7:40 pm #5561AnonymousInactivePeace be with all,
I am curious Ron, you have not responded to a sigle post of mine yet. You will argue with others on emotional aspects;
[quote:2fdwitep]perhaps I did come across as a jerk[/quote:2fdwitep]
[quote:2fdwitep]However perhaps instead of refusing to “play” maybe you could learn from a true believer in Jesus Christ! [/quote:2fdwitep]This statement concerns me about your reasons for wanting to “discuss” faith with us. So I offer to you the following concerning your prideful statement (and as a warning to others too):
1 “(But) take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.
2 When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.
3 But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing,
4 so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.
5 “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.
6 But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.
7 In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Matt. 6:1-7 (NAB)I am intrigued by another of your statement as well:
[quote:2fdwitep]After all, there is only one way to salvation and it is NOT Catholisim as I was taught, not through merits but by grace along through Faith Alone in Christ’s finished work at Calvary.[/quote:2fdwitep]
Are you a former Catholic? If so what rite and what caused you to leave the Church? I am curious to the failings that lead to your many disagreements with the Church?
[quote:2fdwitep]Similairly, I’ve dedicateded my life to reach CAtholics.[/quote:2fdwitep]
Why is this? Usually one does this out of personal experience with what it is they decide to challenge. Or it’s done out of fear to rebut an authority that threatens a personal belief. So I’m curious as to why you choose Catholics, specifically the Roman Catholics, and not Orthodox, or Methodists, or Adventists, or even Jews?
I would think that you would reply to my statements more then just look at my blog? I seek truth and knowledge always, and all I have seen and heard from you are mis-quotes of the Bible and of persons on this board, prideful and boastful remarks to us, out of context replies from the Bible to fit your views of truth, and and a failing to show any true charity in your “dedicated” life’s work to correct our failings in belief. So tell me what is your real purpose for being here on this board; are you here to interact and be of an open mind or is it closed to what could be truth? A truthful person is open and speaks without anger always willing to teach as well as be taught.
God Bless!
December 10, 2005 at 9:19 pm #5562AnonymousInactiveFred,
You wrote:
You blog in no way refutes what I have stated. In fact your believes are heretical concerning the nature of Christ:Monophysitism: Monophysite comes from the Greek words for “one body.” This heresy says that Jesus Christ was a joining of the eternal Logos with the human person Jesus, which occurred at incarnation. He therefore is two separate natures joined in one body. Monophysitism is very much alive in several present-day Egyptian and Middle Eastern sects of Christianity. [/b:1qorfo4a]
Jesus is 100 %human and 100 %God – What is wrong about this that you see I don’t! You also wrote:
[b:1qorfo4a]So as such your belief concerning Mary’s role in Christ’s life is wrong and I would encourage you to look hard at these issues. Further full quote of these Scriptures are necessary for full understanding[/b:1qorfo4a]
Anything in Particular about Mary that you think I was wrong in? Please elaborate further…. Furthermore you wrote that this Scripture verse below only applied to the Resurrection passage? Why? It fits elsewhere as well!
[b:1qorfo4a]Jesus to the Pharasees – You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God[/b:1qorfo4a]
In regard to the following that you wrote “
[b:1qorfo4a]I know this will seem as a attack on you but it is not. Remove your emotion, you pride, and seek with a pure heart and you will see this so. You have heretical believes based on a house of cards interpretation of scripture. I pray you can find truth[/b:1qorfo4a]You are entirely welcomed to your opinion, but I think you are the mislead one here, no offense taken, I just hope you do as you suggested for me to do.
Jon, You wrote:[b:1qorfo4a]Have you read the book yourself?[/b:1qorfo4a]
I can’t say that I have or haven’t read it but I am well aware of his ideas and I have met him and I do admire his work as well as agree with it.
[b:1qorfo4a]We do not put the Catechism on the same level as the Bible. It is not a holy book. It explains Catholic doctrine in a systematic and condensed form. It was written primarily for Catholic bishops to be able to help explain the faith. [/b:1qorfo4a]
You are the first one that told me this, although I see the opposite is more truthful, that most Catholics take the Catechism to be at least as good as the Bible.
You are correct, the Bible is God’s word to us not the Catholic Church’s word to us. However, it was Catholic bishops in 394 A.D. and 403 A.D. under the guidance of the Holy Spirit that finalized what books comprised the Bible (called the canon). Later, during the Reformation, Martin Luther removed books that Christians had accepted as holy for nearly 14 centuries prior. Any non-Catholic Bible is actually missing parts and is therefore incomplete. [/b:1qorfo4a]
I do believe the truth is quite different, as the Catholics “canonized” the apocrafil (sp?) books in response to the reformers stance taken against the Catholic Church – Although I don’t know how to prove this at this point – History can be quite decptive[b:1qorfo4a]
As for your reference to Rev. 22:18-19 there is something to keep in mind. Revelation was written before 200 A.D. – a couple hundred years before the Bible was compiled. The author, John, most likely originally intended for that to apply to his book Revelation and not some compilation that was to be made in a few hundred years. Regardless, I agree that nothing should be added to God’s Word.[/b:1qorfo4a]You agree but your buddies still use the Catechism as a source to define unbiblical practices. Revelation is meant to be read and not to take it as symbolic as the Left Behind Books attempt to show. It is a future prophetic period that we are soon approaching today.
Fred (again)
you wrote:[b:1qorfo4a]Are you a former Catholic?[/b:1qorfo4a]
Yes I was a firm believer, having raised my family to be Catholic for 40+ years until I took a look at Scriptures for the truth – My marraige of 27 years ended because I left the Catholic Church – I am now remarried and my children are no longer Catholic either – and I thank God for that too!
You also wrote:[b:1qorfo4a]
Why is this? Usually one does this out of personal experience with what it is they decide to challenge. Or it’s done out of fear to rebut an authority that threatens a personal belief. So I’m curious as to why you choose Catholics, specifically the Roman Catholics, and not Orthodox, or Methodists, or Adventists, or even Jews?I would think that you would reply to my statements more then just look at my blog? I seek truth and knowledge always, and all I have seen and heard from you are mis-quotes of the Bible and of persons on this board, prideful and boastful remarks to us, out of context replies from the Bible to fit your views of truth, and and a failing to show any true charity in your “dedicated” life’s work to correct our failings in belief. So tell me what is your real purpose for being here on this board; are you here to interact and be of an open mind or is it closed to what could be truth? A truthful person is open and speaks without anger always willing to teach as well as be taught. [/b:1qorfo4a]
I choose Catholicism because the need is there as I realize the danger of 1 Billion Catholics that might be going to Hell. The rest of your postiing is
simply your uneducate opinion and does nothing but waste time. please be speciific if you think I misquoted somthing, but don’t bother just telling me that as I see you to be the mislead one and I can defend my beliefs with the Bible very well.Thank You
December 10, 2005 at 11:39 pm #5563AnonymousInactivePeace be with you Ron,
[quote:19s2a1sc]Jesus is 100 %human and 100 %God – What is wrong about this that you see I don’t! You also wrote:[/quote:19s2a1sc]
This is not the statement in which I was speaking. I was speaking to your blog that you sent me to previously, since we are insulting, the body of work your “educated” mind should be familiar with verbatim;
[quote:19s2a1sc] In all three examples there is a clear distinction that separates Jesus’ physical life apart from His deity.[/quote:19s2a1sc]
This is the [b:19s2a1sc]SAME[/b:19s2a1sc] as the second century heresy I spoke of. I would suggest that as an “educated” person, the early history of [b:19s2a1sc]ALL[/b:19s2a1sc] Christianity would be known to you. With this knowledge you would be able to better debunk what early Christians wrote and believed. Hence your mission to save the 1 billion Catholic souls lost to Hell forever!
[quote:19s2a1sc]Jesus to the Pharasees – You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God[/quote:19s2a1sc]
I do? Where did I mislead? Please enlighten me? Was he not speaking on resurrection, to the Sadducees? Did Christ have a ciphered message I missed. What special understand do you have of the scriptures and please support your reply with scripture.
[quote:19s2a1sc]The rest of your postiing is simply your uneducate opinion and does nothing but waste time. please be speciific if you think I misquoted somthing, but don’t bother just telling me that as I see you to be the mislead one and I can defend my beliefs with the Bible very well.[/quote:19s2a1sc]
That brings me to my favorite part, and goes to your undoing. Cast not the first stone! Since you have let’s examine your impressive education:
From this posting and only of what I quoted you on alone. Since when are the following English words spelt:
somethingFurther in Matthew 6:29-33 Jesus is speaking to the Sadducees not the Pharisees. Or am I being misleading? Has my tone changed? Yes because you will do o more then insult when you cannot prove your point to us. I pray for forgiveness on this my coming to your level, for I am not charitable right now but speak with a Righteous Anger!
Now to the next, I have responded in depth to you on many of your postings. All with relative and important sources annotated, so you yourself could look into what I have wrote. Further, I have even quoted from the KJV of the Bible, which is non-canonical if you didn’t know and hence and incomplete Bible.
Oh, that bring us to the question,”What is Fred’s educational background?” I am currently working on a Masters in Theology and studying in the vocation of the Deaconate. So I think I can speak with some authority. And for you? Some kind of amazing soothsayer type understanding of Scripture that 2000 years of research and prayer and living experience has failed all of mankind. Please. Again cast not the first stone!
Your purpose here is Catholic bashing pure and simply! Your prior false apology is but an example of your uncharitable and insincere nature. Further, I suspect you have some some unresolved issues with the Church. Maybe a disagreement with doctrine? I suspect that you were not properly catechized either. For that I am truly sorry! This one failing has lead many of our brothers and sisters to leave the Church for false religions and profits.
If you are not willing to engage in intellectual discussion, I suggest you find another board to go to. I will not even acknowledge one who insults, makes have witted remarks about Christ or speaks with heretical believes. Unless, they are truly seeking and can come to the board with a open heart and with charity in it.
Your arguments have not supported one of your beliefs nor have you provided substance to your arguments. And when some does present a good and sound argument, you either ignore them or state your mystical knowledge is greater then the sum works of all the Doctors, Saints, Martyrs, Virgins, and theologians of the last 2000 years. Who if they are wrong, then all that you know to be the Bible is wrong.
I pray that find you peace and that one day you will find your way home!
God Bless!
December 11, 2005 at 12:46 am #5564AnonymousInactiveHey Fred, get a grip on yourself if you can. So I mis-spelt a few words, and didn’t take the time to check if it was Pharasees or Saducees, which doesn’t matter anyway. You also mis-spelled a word or two so lets get past your so-called rightous anger, tsk tsk.
The KJV Bible is non-canonical ? That is what you tell others so you can look educated but I don’t buy that point so keep trying. And as far as your “impressive” education, good for you, but that still leaves you on the wrong path. Concerning the next part that you wrote-
[b:2hl70tk6]Your purpose here is Catholic bashing pure and simply! Your prior false apology is but an example of your uncharitable and insincere nature. Further, I suspect you have some some unresolved issues with the Church. Maybe a disagreement with doctrine? I suspect that you were not properly catechized either. For that I am truly sorry! This one failing has lead many of our brothers and sisters to leave the Church for false religions and profits. [/b:2hl70tk6]
more opinionated chatter, NO DOUBT! Jesus said come to Him and I have. He never said “Go to my Mother.” 1 Corinthians 2:14 tells me that you are simply a natural man – “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned,” educated perhaps but not Spiritually Discerned!
You mentioned that [b:2hl70tk6]”Your arguments have not supported one of your beliefs nor have you provided substance to your arguments.[/b:2hl70tk6] Is there somthing specific? No where have you given me anything of substance to grasp dispite your claim that I’ve been given [b:2hl70tk6]”a good and sound arguments.”[/b:2hl70tk6]
I do have some good news for you in regards to the last thing you wrote –
[b:2hl70tk6] pray that find you peace and that one day you will find your way home! [/b:2hl70tk6] I have found home, and now lets work on you Fred before you go into an eternity without Jesus and without peace!!!December 11, 2005 at 1:52 am #5565AnonymousInactivePeace be with you Ron,
[quote:2vs3uatw]Hey Fred, get a grip on yourself if you can. So I mis-spelt a few words, and didn’t take the time to check if it was Pharasees or Saducees, which doesn’t matter anyway. You also mis-spelled a word or two so lets get past your so-called rightous anger, tsk tsk.[/quote:2vs3uatw]
Again you have forgotten the start of all of this, as you were the one that started the insults and arguing. I have for many posts been charitable and polite, until you insulted me and others.
I doubt I misspelled near the amount of words as you have. I suggest you use the spell check feature. You cannot accuse some one of a lack of knowledge or being uneducated, if your example is no better. The number one form of communication on this forum is the written word. And to avoid misunderstanding and the misuse of your presentation accuracy is paramount, if you wish to be taken with any degree of seriousness.
[quote:2vs3uatw]and didn’t take the time to check if it was Pharasees or Saducees, which doesn’t matter anyway.[/quote:2vs3uatw]
You prove my point. It does matter, why do you not see that? You must be accurate in that which you profess, you mislead if you do not. If you are so spiritually enlightened, then accuracy is important. Never once did Jesus or God ever state “it is something like that?” “Oh sorry, I forgot check that which I was teaching you, was accurate.” Please! You are a mislead individual who is luke-warm at best and has and will lead many others astray.
[quote:2vs3uatw]The KJV Bible is non-canonical ? That is what you tell others so you can look educated but I don’t buy that point so keep trying. And as far as your “impressive” education, good for you, but that still leaves you on the wrong path.[/quote:2vs3uatw]
Again your lack of knowledge hurts your argument. You cannot profess truth from that which is not authoritative. Do you even know why there is a King James version of the Bible? What lead to it’s creation[/url:2vs3uatw]? If you did you may better understand why it is not canonical. Furthermore your insult on my education does not work. You cannot claim to be more educated then another, and when presented with fact and evidence to support fact change your horse in mid-stride? This is you problem with all your statements. Of course I am wrong in your eyes.
[quote:2vs3uatw]You mentioned that “Your arguments have not supported one of your beliefs nor have you provided substance to your arguments. Is there somthing specific? No where have you given me anything of substance to grasp dispite your claim that I’ve been given “a good and sound arguments.”[/quote:2vs3uatw]
You have yet to address one point I made in previous posts. Instead, as you will again, you go straight back to your “pat” answer “be specific”, when I have in earlier posts. Please learn to use the back button on your browser so as not to waist others time.
I truly suggest you try another forum. If you choose to stay here on this forum you may find that you are no more successful with us then we have been with you. As Christ said:
14 Whoever will not receive you or listen to your words go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet. Matt. 10:14 NAB
God Bless
December 11, 2005 at 3:40 am #5566About Catholics TeamKeymasterYou guys can’t honestly tell me you are going to bicker over spelling are you? Just drop that please. ” title=”Smile” />
December 11, 2005 at 4:18 am #5567AnonymousInactivePeace be with you Jon,
lol, no it was rooted in accuracy of information and I have checked myself on that and humbly bow my head in any offense I may have caused. I offer my apology for digressing from the more important issues at hand.
God Bless!
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