Home Forums Prayer Requests Prayer for my acceptance to my Vocation

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    I am currently in the selection process for the Diaconate in my Archdiocese and would like to request your prayers for my selection. God bless all!


    good luck! I will pray for you! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />


    Thank you so very much! I hope to know by October this year and then start my formation in Jan 06.


    any particular area of ministry you want to do?


    Yes Litgury and one day I hope to get appointed to the Archdiocese Tribunal.


    Oh wow, nice. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    What’s so appealing about the tribunal?


    I’ve been a Police Sergeant for 21 years now. I have a affinity for law and I have been studying The Canon and Law a lot recently and it seems to come naturally to me. I think its because of my profession.

    My prayer life has really changed my heart on many things and I am more of a listener now then a activist, if you follow what I mean. More thought now then emotion before I reply <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> Prayer life hasblessed me with that and what I feel is a clear mind <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

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