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    I know you guys must here this a million times over and over. But for myself I need to know. I hear people claim that Catholics worship mary, I hear that they dont. Im just confused do you? Why/Why not? Just lookin for some clarification.

    Thanks …. Siberian


    Hi Siberian… there’s a post on this topic. I’ve put the link to it below…

    http://www.aboutcatholics.com/community … .php?t=517


    Thanks a lot that cleared it up…



    Let us know if you need further clarification.



    No thats alright, The line “We dont think Mary is God” was really what I was lookin for, I have heard some twisted things, and that explained it. Thanks.


    No, we certainly don’t believe Mary is God, although many protestant apologists would probably have you think differently.

    (Yes, I am looking at YOU, James White!)


    Yes, I hear you, but it still is a sticking point for me (Presbyterian).

    It sure SEEMS like you guys view Mary as part of the Godhead sometimes!

    To be fair, I’ve been reading a lot about this topic, and am looking forward to Mark Shea’s book about Mary. (Isn’t that funny — I’m a protestant, waiting for a former protestant to finish explaining something that Catholics haven’t been able to justify to me! Crazy old world…)

    I’ve been ploughing my way through Weigel’s biography of JPII, and sometimes he seemed almost to include Mary in the Trinity! And, before you say anything about Pope-bashing, this guy is becoming one of my heros…


    Well, it only seems that way because we honor her all the time. But then again, we haven’t done ANYTHING compared to what God did–and does.

    He made her the mother of… well… Himself! She says “all generations shall call me blessed”. Elizabeth asks “Who am I, that the mother of my Lord should visit me”. The angel Gabriel calls her “full of grace”.

    Surely we can’t do any more honoring her than God has already done.


    From the outside it’s easier to see it in such a manner. From the inside it’s obviously not seen that way once you ask the catholic “do you worship Mary?”. Most all catholics will say NO. Although there have been groups like the Collyridians that have indeed worshipped Mary. The Church put a stop to that non-sense, calling it idolatry.
    Do we see a pattern now a days?
    Catholic Answers puts it best:

    Modern parallels

    [i:3jtmxluq]Collyridianism is seen today in various forms. Those “hyper-Marian” groups and writers who overly exalt Mary and focus on her to the exclusion (or near exclusion) of Christ are guilty of something approaching idolatry. Modern feminism is the source of a recycled Collyridianism that worships a “mother goddess” and seeks to “re-image” God in female terms.[/i:3jtmxluq]


    PS-Most importantly know with confidence that the Church does not teach such things. Rather catholics begin to deviate from the Church teachings.


    [quote:1swyj37p]From the outside it’s easier to see it in such a manner. From the inside it’s obviously not seen that way once you ask the catholic “do you worship Mary?”. Most all catholics will say NO. Although there have been groups like the Collyridians that have indeed worshipped Mary. The Church put a stop to that non-sense, calling it idolatry.
    Do we see a pattern now a days?
    Catholic Answers puts it best:

    Modern parallels

    [i:1swyj37p]Collyridianism is seen today in various forms. Those “hyper-Marian” groups and writers who overly exalt Mary and focus on her to the exclusion (or near exclusion) of Christ are guilty of something approaching idolatry. Modern feminism is the source of a recycled Collyridianism that worships a “mother goddess” and seeks to “re-image” God in female terms.[/i:1swyj37p]


    PS-Most importantly know with confidence that the Church does not teach such things. Rather catholics begin to deviate from the Church teachings.[/quote:1swyj37p]

    Good stuff there. Gotta love Catholic Answers.

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