All of these “amazing” athletes being found to have used drugs to put out spectacular performances is mind-boggling. It kind of makes you wonder who is out there right now that is not getting caught.
It’s sad to see so much cheating in professional sports.
I heard about this. I couldn’t keep a straight face in front of the media saying “I didn’t do drugs”. She sounded so convincing in her speech years back.
Although her apology looked and sounded contrite. By what I have heard on television, most athletes are now on (HGH) Human Growth Hormone. There still isn’t a credible drug test than can trace it from what I have heard. I know one is in the works though. I’m going to go now and rub some flaxseed oil on my arms. ” title=”Wink” />
I’m going to go now and rub some flaxseed oil on my arms. ” title=”Wink” />[/quote:2g8e0qss]
I don’t think that will do much for you other than get you greasy. ” title=”Wink” />
I’m going to go now and rub some flaxseed oil on my arms. ” title=”Wink” />[/quote:13pn63n9]
I don’t think that will do much for you other than get you greasy. ” title=”Wink” />[/quote:13pn63n9]
Negative, the Omega-3 fatty acids that are in flaxseed oil help regulate my blood pressure. ” title=”Wink” />