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  • #1317

    Peace be with all!

    I found this related posting on New Advent[/url:jesv143w]. Thought it might add to the topic. God Bless!


    I’m fine with it as it is, but I will go along with whatever the current norm is. I shall submit. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />


    [color=darkblue:n0i2zpvh]I personally like the Latin. It just sounds holy…. :mrgreen:

    Isn’t it odd that when we had Mass in Latin people seemed to be better Cathecised. Or is this just my perception?[/color:n0i2zpvh]


    [quote:31t1rq5h][color=darkblue:31t1rq5h]Isn’t it odd that when we had Mass in Latin people seemed to be better Cathecised. Or is this just my perception?[/color:31t1rq5h][/quote:31t1rq5h]
    Quite an observation for someone who wasn’t even alive then! :shock:

    In my opinion there seems to be this glory years nostalgia where everything so much better back in the old days. [i:31t1rq5h]Were[/i:31t1rq5h] people better catechized or did society embrace traditional values moreso than now?


    I prefer an updated liturgy in the vernacular but I would welcome a return to Latin as well.


    [quote:12s0vmha]Quite an observation for someone who wasn’t even alive then! :shock:[/quote:12s0vmha]

    [color=darkblue:12s0vmha]I kinda hang out with all the senior citizens at out parish… <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> [/color:12s0vmha]


    I remember back in 1958 when I become a Catholic (was a Lutheran before that)and we all had missal’s and the priest would say the mass with his back to the people(cause alter was set back)and of course there was the communion rail.I myself would like to see return of Latin mass,but I’m wondering about the younger sect(20 to 40 year old)who probably never heard a mass in Latin would it encourage them or turn some away?I don’t know.What every Catholic Church in U.S should do is have one mass in Latin.


    GIve me that O’le time Religion.

    Latin for the Roman Rite

    Church Slavonik for the Russian and Ukranian Rite

    Syriac for the Maronite and Melekite Rites

    etc, etc, etc…

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