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    Hello. I joined this community a while back but haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is John, and I am currently a college student in Minneapolis. I’m a cradle Catholic, and am very thankful to have had a family that was able to remain faithfully Catholic despite trials and toils. I may not have always understood what the differences between Catholics and Protestants were when I was younger, but I never doubted that the Catholic Church was where I belonged. It wasn’t until my college years that I began questioning certain teachings; but thanks to some helpful suggestions by peer ministers I looked back into the early Church and found the answers I needed.

    I am an engineer studying transportation; but please don’t tell me the traffic is bad and the roads are worse, you may find yourself in a discussion about queueing or dynamic moduli, which is as close to ‘apologetics’ as I can get. <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    I look forward to reading and posting comments about our faith in this wonderful forum. Thanks, Jon, and all the moderators.


    Hey John, I was wondering if this was you! Are we up for some frisbee this summer? Keep me in the loop if it starts up on the weekends at the U.

    Thanks for joining!



    Welcome John. Engineer eh? I’m a Industrial Engineer that crosses over to Manufacturing went I want to cause trouble <img decoding=” title=”Razz” /> . Maybe in Minnesota it may not be bad, but in LA its another story <img decoding=” title=”Confused” /> . We probably need John over at LA.. Great to have you John.

    In Christ


    Welcome John. I have already enjoyed reading your posts.


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