” title=”Confused” /> Bible Scholars say
The earth is 6,420 (-91 / +155) years old, or from 6,329 to 6,575 years old
The year of creation would be 4416 BC (-91 / +155) years, or
created between 4,325 BC to 4,571 BC
scientists say
The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago (by several radiometric dating methods). Some of these rocks are sedimentary, and include minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion years. Rocks of this age are relatively rare, however rocks that are at least 3.5 billion years in age have been found on North America, Greenland, Australia, Africa, and Asia.
[color=blue:7rjouqil]Thats quite a spread of years,anyone have a opinon on this?[/color:7rjouqil]
i don’t know of any bible scholars who hold the view that the earth is 6,000 yrs old. there may be a few, however, but i don’t think that their arguments make much sense. and scriputure itself is not to be taken literally in this regard: moreover, i’m not aware of any place in scripture where it says the earth is 6,000 yrs old. this notion (so far as i know, was popularized by an anglican bishop named usher in the 18th century who went thru all the scriptural genealogies, etc. and came up with the 6000 plus number (he even had the exact day of creation). the catholic view is that genesis is to be interpreted theologically, not literally. anyway, until something better comes along (if it does), i hold with science: the earth is, in fact, about 4 billion yrs old. tom st. martin
The Catholic view from my reading is that one is not required to believe in a six day/ 24 hour creation, nor the timeline of the Sciptures as being literal, only that had God desired it to be so, He could have done it that way. The Church conversely does not condemn a literal interpretation of the story of creation.
[quote:2wkc8kbt]The Catholic view from my reading is that one is not required to believe in a six day/ 24 hour creation, nor the timeline of the Sciptures as being literal, only that had God desired it to be so, He could have done it that way. The Church conversely does not condemn a literal interpretation of the story of creation.[/quote:2wkc8kbt]
There is good standing catholics who hold to a literal interpretation and they are afforded that freedom in the bossom of the Chruch.[/color:2wkc8kbt]
[quote:3i6p23vn] Bible Scholars say
The earth is 6,420 (-91 / +155) years old, or from 6,329 to 6,575 years old
The year of creation would be 4416 BC (-91 / +155) years, or
created between 4,325 BC to 4,571 BC
scientists say
The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago (by several radiometric dating methods). Some of these rocks are sedimentary, and include minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion years. Rocks of this age are relatively rare, however rocks that are at least 3.5 billion years in age have been found on North America, Greenland, Australia, Africa, and Asia.
[color=blue:3i6p23vn]Thats quite a spread of years,anyone have a opinon on this?[/color:3i6p23vn][/quote:3i6p23vn]
Time did not always exist. It was created by God.
A day with God is not like a day with us:
“But of this one thing be not ignorant, my beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”2Pe 3:8
“For a thousand years in thy sight are as yesterday, which is past. And as a watch in the night, Things that are counted nothing, shall their years be.”Psa 90:4-5
“According to Augustine, the work of creation belongs to the production of formless matter, and of the formless spiritual nature, both of which are outside of time, as he himself says (Confessiones xii,12). Thus, then, the creation of either is set down before there was any day. But it may also be said, following other holy writers, that the works of distinction and adornment imply certain changes in the creature which are measurable by time; whereas the work of creation lies only in the Divine act producing the substance of beings instantaneously. For this reason, therefore, every work of distinction and adornment is said to take place “in a day,” but creation “in the beginning” which denotes something indivisible.”