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Chick and others like him charge that the Jesuits were founded to stamp out Protestantism. The initial focus of the Jesuits was as a missionary order, and to stop the Muslim invasion and influence. Later the Holy Roman Emperor, (a German) invited the Jesuits to help stop the wars that had erupted between local princes who had accepted Luther’s new doctrinces, and those who maintained the old religion.

One was forced in those days to follow the religion of one’s prince. So the Princes who became Lutheran would persecute Catholics, and princes in Catholic areas, would fight against the spread of Lutheranism.

My statements were, and remain, [quote:1wf41zaq]Protestantim had not yet spread far, when the Jeusits were founded, and while most are under the [b:1wf41zaq]misnomer[/b:1wf41zaq] that the Jesuits were founded to stamp out Protestantism, such efforts came later.[/quote:1wf41zaq]
Misnomer meant an error. So it would be an error to think that the Jesuits were founded to stamp out Protestantism. Later however.
[quote:1wf41zaq]at the urgent solicitation of the Imperial Ambassador.[/quote:1wf41zaq]
The Imperial Ambassador went to the Pope, at the request of the Emperor, (a German) and requested help with someone who could debate the Protestants, it was then because of their learning that the Jesuits were invited to engage in public debate with the leaders of Lutheranism.