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[quote:1qjqxvuf]Can we then say Luther was not infallible when he proclaimed scripture alone or faith alone?[/quote:1qjqxvuf]

[color=darkblue:1qjqxvuf]Face it Ronald, you put yourself in checkmate yet again, with this question because you walked right into it when you said,[i:1qjqxvuf] “just shows he[Luther] wasn’t infallible either”.[/i:1qjqxvuf] You are running in circles within your own little box yet again. Your cover has been blown numerous times now, you are a hater, and you have obviously tripped head-first into a state of denial ever since you have been here. By the way, I have shown family members(majority of them are protestant) this website, and they have all said to me that they do not agree with the way you ignore questions and bounce to something else, your rude comments towards other people, and overall your lack of respect for other people here in the forum. Go ahead and do your justifying. [/color:1qjqxvuf]