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[quote:ximb467u]First, I would like to applaud all of you for the great job you do with this forum. I have run across numerous other forums in my search for information that are less interested in real learning and growth than in competing to be the “most Catholic” or bashing non-Catholics. [/quote:ximb467u]
[color=darkred:ximb467u]I know what you mean. Hope you enjoy it here.[/color:ximb467u]
[quote:ximb467u]My question is regarding marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic (Lutheran) and the subsequent religious life of their children. The main problem between my boyfriend and I in planning our future together is the question of how our children will be raised. I have agreed to a Catholic wedding and, as such, am aware of the promise he must make to do his best to raise our children in the Catholic faith. Although there are things I disagree with in the Catholic faith, I am respectful of it and believe that there are many very good things about it. [/quote:ximb467u]
[color=darkred:ximb467u]Blessings to you, and very unselfish of you.[/color:ximb467u]
[quote:ximb467u]My concern is that I have seen a condescending and hateful attitude toward Protestants in many Catholic congregations, although this is not necessarily taught in the Catholic faith. I have a sense of being “unwelcome” in many, though certainly not all, Catholic churches. In no way do I want my children to pick up that attitude. Further, I want my children to know and understand my faith in addition to the Catholic faith.
Any thoughts on solutions or compromises in this dilemma? I have finally decided to post this question in this forum because of the thoughtfulness and love for non-Catholic Christians I have seen in your other responses.[/quote:ximb467u]
[color=darkred:ximb467u]I wouldn’t want my kids to pick that up either. Unfortunately we have our uncharitable group of Catholics as well. That isn’t an easy fix and you may have to extend love and patience if you choose to continue with raising your kids catholic. The mature and charitable one (you in this case) is usually the one who has to have the patience in such scenarios. I would recommend you talk to someone in the parish that can voice your concern and set them straight. They shouldn’t be doing that and it certainly isn’t welcoming to do so.[/color:ximb467u]