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Thank you Sonlitknight

Since writing the post I have found myself a whole lot more active in following the political side of the pro-life movement, and paying more attention to whats happening locally.

I will tell you one thing: I more than ever need to temper everything with lots of prayer because passion and activism consume what little physical strength I have- so I need to pray where God wants me to best use my efforts.

I am so aware of how very close the vote was in our state- probably one of the reasons for being overwhelmed. The election backlash here is awful. Folks STILL campaigning for Kerry even tho he gracefully conceded and suggested folks work together nonpartisan to solve problems. How many days has it been since the election??? The Bush bashing just goes on and on.

I guess I don’t sound optomistic- but truly I am. God has everything in His control.

Thank you for your support.