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First…there are 6 (six) National polls (Rasmussen being only 1 of them) that show this race even (1) or with Bush in the lead(5).
Among these is Gallup-the most respected of all- which shows Bush with a 3 point lead. No Challenger has ever won without a substantial lead on the eve of the Incumbent’s convention (nevermind one who is [b:2gm9xj3c]losing[/b:2gm9xj3c]).
On your second point, there is scores of evidence that show that the corporate payroll survey does not accurately reflect our current economy.
The July numbers only serve to illustrate this.
The size of the sample merely decreases the Margin of Error but does not dismiss the clear and incontrovertable fact that somewhere in the neighborhood (+/- the MOE) of 629,000 people were working on August 1st who were not working on July 1st. Those people got work somewhere!!!
If you accept the fact that only 32,000 jobs were added by corporations, I’d appreciate it if you are at least intellectualy honest enough to offer an explanation as to how you can dismiss, out of hand, another survey- produced by the very same Government Bureau- that suggests [b:2gm9xj3c]almost 20 times[/b:2gm9xj3c] as many new jobs as you imply. .
People are changing the way they work and do buisness. Partnerships, small buisnesses and contractor jobs are on a step rise.
The economy, despite the oil pressures, is still performing quite well- as Friday’s 2.8% GDP number demonstrates.
Consumer and investor confidence are rebounding and the market is again heading upward.
Far from [i:2gm9xj3c]hitting a wall[/i:2gm9xj3c] , as you suggest, this economy appears to be crashing through barriers relentlessly.
If Bush has a good convention, he is virtualy a lock for reelection.
Thank you for your response, my friend.[/i]