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Welcome to the website, Tomas. If there is a link to the Romney campaign it would be one of the ads that appear on this site which are there to support this ministry. The ad algorithm displays ads that it thinks are of interest to you. This website does not make an endorsement of the products or services advertised. You can view our advertising policy here. http://www.aboutcatholics.com/advertising/

The Catholic Church does not believe the abortion is the only issue, but it puts significant weight on it. Why? Moral or immoral actions do not carry the same moral weight. Abortion carries a significant moral weight over other issues because it is the killing of innocent and defenseless human beings.

The Catholic Church has an extensive history of not only defending the unborn, but also ensuring the health and well-being of people beyond the womb. It is a false charge to say that the Church does not care or that this website is not fully pro-life. We support the teachings of the Catholic Church 100%. We support the work of Catholic Charities and the many other organizations that are authentically Catholic in union with Catholic teaching who provide outreach to the poor, disenfranchised, economically handicapped, and any other label for the brothers and sisters that are the least among us.