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"Andoru":1hfmrbw1 wrote:
…Catholicism can be viewed as “conservative” in comparison to other denominations and religions, and that poses problems and presents internal conflicts to catholics who are more, shall we say, liberal.

How do we attempt to reconcile these differences is something I cannot answer I’m afraid. I look forward to people’s input on this topic.[/quote:1hfmrbw1]
Well conservative has been given a bad label in the past couple of decades. For the most part it is because those who label themselves are not really conservative.

Conservare, the latin root of conservative is a process of preserving that which is good, not in ossification in which nothing changes. The Catholic Church is indeed conservative, in that it preserved the Authentic teachings of Christ, and the Apostles. The Apostles passed on what they learned from Christ, (we read in the NT that after He spoke to those Assembled that our Lord would take His close desciples aside and explain further what he had just taught. A sort of seminary formation for the Apostles.) Our Lord also promised the Holy Ghost, the paraclete would be sent to the Apostles and their successors to guide the Church.

While the Church has not grown without any influences from the secular world, and has advanced in the fields of philosophy and Sacred Theology, so too has the Church advanced the world in areas of social and medical science.

Some examples are slavery. From the time of Christ to our present day slavery has been part of the world we live in. While the Greeks and Pagan Romans had some limited laws that protected slaves, an owner was still legally able to beat, and even put them to death. The Church advocated in earlier days not for the absolute abolition of slavery, since it would not be recieved well, but the fair treatment of slaves. While many “Bible Believing” Protestants allowed families to be broken up, and sold, the Catholic Church admonished slave owners in Catholic lands to not break up families, to seek to convert them, and as Catholics to allow them to obtain their freedom and earn enough to purchase the freedom of their families. Later it was the Catholic Church which was the first to call for the abolition of slavery. While there were Catholics who did not want to follow or disregarded the teachings of the Church, and there is an outward appearance of a change in the teachings of the Church there really is no change at all. The primary focus of the Church is the soul, and the soul and welfare of slaves, even when the Church thought it repugnant but socially accepted is what the Church conserved.

How does this reflect on the issue of Homosexuals and those who encourage the fable of homosexual marriage, and acceptance of their lifestyle? Well Homosexuals used to be stoned and burned at the stake by the Civil Government. At the time everyone felt that this was the appropriate way to rid moral or abberant theological problem. Catholic and Protestant countries both used capital punishment for to in their eyes protect the souls of those who would be influenced by notorius public sinners, or faulty theology .

Today we don’t stone or burn people if they disagree, As Catholics we are encouraged by authentic Catholic teachings to love the sinner and hate the sin. So we should welcome anyone into the fold who are willing to strive to live a moral life. Too often many are willing to look the other way when a heterosexual has an affair, or fornicates, but not when homosexuals are activly invovled in their lifestyle. This double standard does little to convert anyone to a moral life. It can actually drive away some who judge the Church to not be fair when dealing with sin, and sinners. The same is true of the opposite side, where parishes and priests “welcome” active homosexuals, “As they are” without any attempt to teach authentic Catholic morality. The struggles of anyone who is tempted by any carnal sins are best left to the confessional. Not to political attacks or supports from the pulpit. Just honest and true Moral teaching and guidance from the pulpit.

Back to the original question though. What do I think will bring an end to those who disregard the moral teachings of the Church, and parishes who don’f follow the Holy Father? In my opinion; First: prayer, most of all the rosary and offering our communions in reparation for such scandal. Making a holy hour either in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament or our Lord in the tabernacle. Second: ask the priests in those parishes how they can justify it when the Church seems to teach something else. Don’t be confrontational, just let them tell you or you may get just a canned speech. Third: if the answer is out of step with the moral and social teachings of the Church, report it to the local Chancery, or bishop, again without any ranting or raving. If that does not work you can write your concerns and explain what you have done to Rome. At each point repeat the First Step. We should not be silent, but we should in all things be charitable. Standing up for a moral lifestyle by example and backing it up by prayer will work better than some of the baiting and antagonism that some Catholics have offered, and the absolutly unacceptable disregard for Catholic moral teachings by others.