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After all is said and done the questions still remains.
How can we deny the texts of a defined dogma which does not mention invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire ?
Outside the Church there is no Salvation (Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus)
“Outside the Church there is no salvation” (extra ecclesiam nulla salus) is a doctrine of the Catholic Faith that was taught By Jesus Christ to His Apostles, preached by the Fathers, defined by popes and councils and piously believed by the faithful in every age of the Church. Here is how the Popes defined it:
“There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside which no one at all is saved.” (Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.)
“We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” (Pope Boniface VIII, the Bull Unam Sanctam, 1302.)
“The most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics, can have a share in life eternal; but that they will go into the eternal fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless before death they are joined with Her; and that so important is the unity of this ecclesiastical body that only those remaining within this unity can profit by the sacraments of the Church unto salvation, and they alone can receive an eternal recompense for their fasts, their almsgivings, their other works of Christian piety and the duties of a Christian soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved, unless he remain within the bosom and the unity of the Catholic Church.” (Pope Eugene IV, the Bull Cantate Domino, 1441.)
How can we deny that Pope Pius XII in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 refers to the ‘dogma’. What happened to that dogma ? Where is it? Is it still the Magisterium teaching ?
Do we know any person saved with the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance ?
No one is answering yes.
And since we do not know any such case how can it be an exception to the dogma ?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Can the Deacons in Los Angeles affirm the dogma like Fr.Leonard Feeney and also maintain that there is no case of the baptism of desire that we know of and, the baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma ?
There is no known case known to us of a person saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance. So since we do not know any such explicit case how can they be exceptions to the dogma outside the church no salvation.
For it to be an exception to the centuries-old interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus we would personally have to know these ‘exceptions’ on earth.
Vatican Council II does not state that we know these cases of persons saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) and the baptism of desire. Neither does Vatican Council II or the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 state that these cases are exceptions to the dogma Cantate Domino, Council of Florence etc.
The Catholic Church has not retracted this thrice defined dogma which says all need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. It does not mention invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire as exceptions.
It’s the Jewish Left owned media which assumes that those saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are known-exceptions which contradict the dogma. The media also supported the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing’s new theory, of those saved with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance being exceptions to the dogma. So he assumed that there was salvation outside the Catholic Church. Catholics just took all this for granted without really thinking on this issue: how could cases we do not know be known exceptions to the dogma? How could the Church suddenly change its teachings? How could the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 contradict itself affirming the dogma and also the possibility of being saved with the baptism of desire ? How could Vatican Council II say all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation( AG 7) and also there can be non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) ?
Jewish Left Rabbis, supported by Jewish political and economic power, have been telling Catholic bishops in California to end Church mission to the Jews. The bishops have publicly agreed with them. Their media still causes confusion on this issue and Catholics assume that it is the teaching of the Church. The bishops do not issue a clarification so as not to offend important people. Catholics are left in confusion.
Why cannot one of the religious communities in California, USA who have received canonical status, unlike Fr. Leonard Feeney’s community, affirm the ‘rigorist interpretation’ of the dogma and also accept the possibility of people being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire,since these cases are known only to God ?
Why cannot the religious order priests and nuns also affirm the dogma as it was interpreted for centuries and also affirm the possibility of non Catholics being saved in invincible ignorance, the seeds of the Word (Vatican Council II), a good conscience, in partial communion with the Church etc ?
Can the Deacons in Los Angeles affirm the dogma like Fr.Leonard Feeney and also maintain that there is no case of the baptism of desire that we know of ? Can the Deacons say the baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma ?
Does a candidate with a religious vocation to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have to beleive that the baptism of desire is visible to us and so an exception to the dogma ? Is this a vocational requirement ?
-Lionel Andrades
Saturday, January 21, 2012
http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com … geles.html