
Beliefs of the Catholic Church.

What is the Catholic Teaching on Contraception and Family Planning?

The Catholic Church has a rich and complex moral tradition when it comes to issues of contraception and family planning. These teachings, rooted in centuries of theological thought, revolve around the sanctity of life, the nature of marital love, and the responsibility of couples in building families. In this post, we will explore the Catholic […]

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how are catholic priests chosen and ordained

How are Catholic Priests Chosen and Ordained?

In the Catholic Church, the role of a priest is considered one of the holiest and most sacred vocations. Priests are entrusted with the spiritual care of their congregations, administering sacraments, providing pastoral guidance, and acting as intermediaries between the faithful and God. But how are these individuals selected and ordained to join the priesthood

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Is unforgiveness a sin about catholics

Is Unforgiveness a Sin?

We go through a lot of hurts and pains in our lives and they are not all equal. Some hurts are deeper and bigger, which gives us a more difficult time forgiving. There are cases though that may result in unforgiveness, which can create a lot of different effects in our life. Is unforgiveness bad? is it a sin? How can this affect us as Catholics? as people? Well, let’s dive in a bit deeper and find out!

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